Wikimon:Old Admin Announcements 2010

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Revision as of 18:43, 10 December 2010 by Koroku (talk | contribs)
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Admin Announcements from 2010

Koroku Xros Wars Ava.jpg

And here we are again! Digimon Xros Wars continues to air, and we continue to grow our database! :)

We're currently making plans to celebrate FIVE YEARS of Wikimon! If you guys have any suggestions of what all we could do, please hop over to the Community Portal.

I've finally gotten around to licensing the site. We are now under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. It says so at the bottom of pages now, and we also have a cool little link button.

In other news, we've been affiliating with a bunch of other wikis out there! We're buds with a Starcraft wiki, an Earthboard, a Kirby, and the English and Polish Wikias... you can find links for 'em all in the sidebar now, right below search and above the ads. :)

Last but not least, about a week ago I updated the header picture. Pretty cool, eh? :)

Talk to you all later... and yay for almost five years of Wikimon! :) :) :)

--Koroku 16:35, 29 October 2010 (UTC)

Userpic devkyu ava1.jpg
Moumantai Productions is currently casting auditions for a Digimon Xros Wars - Episode 01 Fan Dub! Currently Casting several roles! Go check the VAA thread. If you do not, Nene will punish you. >;3 --devkyu 19:42, 15 November 2010 (CST)

Koroku Xros Wars Ava.jpg

Hey guys! Sorry that I've been kinda missing for awhile. But it's not like I do all that much. =P

No new header picture... so if you guys have any suggestions of what you'd like to see there, please post on the Community Portal! :)

Digimon Xros Wars continues to air... we're 12 episodes in now. So hopefully we've pulled in some new fans - let's see some edits! :)

--Koroku 23:20, 15 October 2010 (UTC)

PS: Sorry for the slowness over the past 2 weeks or so. It should have been fixed. If not, please let us know on the Community Portal.

Koroku Xros Wars Ava.jpg

Hey everyone! How's it going? Enjoying Digimon Xros Wars? The fourth episode, Island Zone, Upheaval! has aired and now we're just waiting for the subs... but I'm sure some of you have already watched it, right? :)

With another two episodes aired, another new header picture comes along. This one is drawn by the talented Tai-Rayana and is a nice summery scene. (It's supposed to rain here tonight... no picnics for me!)

Too bad I wasn't paying attention to their profile during the world cup... we totally could have had a World Cup Daisuke as our header! Oh well... :)

Subs are still available at and we'll update with the third and fourth episodes when Ryuu Rogue releases. :)

Tata! --Koroku 23:10, 27 July 2010 (UTC)

Koroku Xros Wars Ava.jpg

So the second episode of Digimon Xros Wars has aired and is subbed... by lots of people! As a special treat for you all, I've decided that I'll host the Ryuu-Rogue subs of Digimon Xros Wars for direct download. :) At least for awhile, so that everyone can get a taste of Digimon Goodness! You can find them here.

Also, we have a new header picture. This one is drawn by azure-sonicfan and we're honored to have this cute picture of Taiki and Daisuke heading up our homepage :) You're always welcome to view the old pictures at Wikimon:Headers and if you want to see your OWN work up there, just comment on the Community Portal!

And if you didn't know, you can hit the "Next Episode" tab over there --> and it'll give you a countdown for when the next episode airs!

Ja! --Koroku 20:09, 15 July 2010 (UTC)


A few small things. The search boxes will now give you suggestions, like what Google/Bing/etc. do, so you don't even need to type out your entire search!

Also, there is now a single ad in the sidebar there. Wikimon uses 90% of what this server does now, and that's at least $55 a month for me. I don't mind paying it most of the time, but it'd be nice to get something [monetary] back. Feel free to turn on adblock if you want, and you can be sure that this as "ad-y" as Wikimon will EVER get while under my ownership. Hope you all don't mind :) --Koroku 01:41, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

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Everyone watched the first episode of Digimon Xros Wars yet? If not, you better get at it! The lovely folks over at Ryuu-Rogue released their fansub about 24 hours after airing, so you have no excuse! I'm sure you can find it on places like YouTube as well. GO WATCH! And then help write some of our articles as we wait for episode 2 to roll around :)

Oh, and sorry if we're kinda slow at times. Friday we pulled in almost 6,000 unique visitors and Thursday gave us a net worth of 61 thousand pageviews. So we're a little busier than before... who can complain? :)

--Koroku 03:23, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

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As I'm writing this, we have just 3 days 19 hours until the first episode of Digimon Xros Wars airs! How exciting is that, we're getting the sixth season??

We'v been keeping up with all the news here on Wikimon, so stay tuned for it all. There's the little box to the right there if you have any questions about what's going on. :)

To celebrate, we've added a new picture to the header, staring the new... well, star, Taiki! It's drawn by the talented RAL-2004 so give'em a shout out :)

Also, Ainz has been hard at work mucking with the front page here... what do you think of all the new cool stuff?

--Koroku 15:17, 2 July 2010 (UTC)

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New header picture :) This one is drawn by the talented kurot - check out their page for more yummy goodness :)

Want to see your art featured up there? Feel free to give us a holler on the Community Portal - we'd love to see some nice stuff!

Stay tuned for news on Digimon: Xros Wars as it rolls out - new season starts this summer!!

--Koroku 19:40, 10 May 2010 (UTC)

Userpic Koroku tamerssnapshot.png

Okay, after like 2 1/2 weeks of being suspended, we're gonna attempt to unsuspend Wikimon. If it kills the server right away... well, then I guess we have to look into other methods.

We went through the upgrade earlier today, and it added another GB (with another to be added when the machine recognizes it) of memory, and a more powerful CPU. So... here's to hoping. --Koroku 00:34, 15 February 2010 (UTC)

Edit February 22nd: Looks like we're doing GREAT. Love the new server! :) --Koroku

Userpic Koroku tamerssnapshot.png

So this hasn't been going very well. Continually the server is committing suicide. It's pretty obvious that Wikimon is the main cause. We're looking for a better solution right now, and this may or may not result in Wikimon going down for up to 2 days.

So yeah, don't freak out if you see it Suspended or something. We're trying to make it so that Wikimon is up 24/7, not 20/5.

Koroku 04:22, 31 January 2010 (UTC)

EDIT: So as you probably noticed, I suspended the account for a few days. The server worked well. Maybe a break helped it a bit? We'll have to see. --Koroku 17:20, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

Userpic Koroku tamerssnapshot.png

So we're gonna try and change the picture here on the main page every month or so. If you want to see your artwork showcased on a site that gets well over 1,000 visitors a day, then feel free to either post on the Community Portal or send me an e-mail at [email protected] :) Devkyu has claimed the Valentine's Day picture, but we'll need one to hit the website when S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day) is over ;D

In other words, yes, we continue to have trouble with the server. Before you send me an e-mail (as a number of you have been doing so, thanks!!!) check out to see if it's a server problem that we already know about. If you don't see an update, feel free to let me know!!

So uh. Wikimon is doing well. We need more editors though! So feel free to help out :) --Koroku 23:59, 23 January 2010 (UTC)

Userpic Koroku tamerssnapshot.png

Like normal, we're continuing to have server problems. Can't afford a better machine at the moment, so unless you wanna donate, you'll have to continue to deal with some irregular downtimes.

The funny thing is that they almost ALWAYS happen when I go to sleep. It doesn't matter if I go to sleep at 8pm, 1am, or 5am, it waits until I'm peacefully resting. --Koroku 20:51, 19 January 2010 (UTC)

Edit: I added Google Analytics here. Let me know if it screws anything up. I'm kinda curious about how many visitors we must have if this damn wiki continues to kill the server. :3~~ --Koroku 09:46, 20 January 2010 (UTC)

Edit2: Changed the picture. Whatcha think? :) --Koroku 23:05, 20 January 2010 (UTC)