Wikimon:Old Admin Announcements 2011

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Admin Announcements from 2011[edit]

Userpic Koroku tamerssnapshot.png

So, as you may have noticed, over the past few months, I have added some social media stuff to the wiki. The reasoning is twofold. One, I hope to generate more traffic to the site. Making Wikimon more well known is always a plus. With people tweeting and Liking and +1ing, we're showing the world that everyone thinks Wikimon is a great resource. :) So keep it up!

Also, I want to try and involve our community a bit more. There is a serious core of editors, but THOUSANDS of people view our site! I want to know what you guys are thinking, and social media gives us an opportunity to do so. So, you'll now notice above that we have buttons linking to our Facebook page, our Twitter stream, and a new Google+ page. Follow us and respond to our messages - it makes our great site even greater. :) --Koroku 01:25, 12 November 2011 (CST)

The wiki has been upgraded to 1.17. Let us know if you see/experience any problems. --Koroku 21:19, 16 July 2011 (CDT)

Since we've got an epic Guilmon cosplay for the banner, figured you might get a kick out of the DigiCosplay Tumblr. --devkyu 18:07, 11 September 2011 (CDT)

Koroku Xros Wars Ava.jpg

Well, I thought I'd try something out - I added Tweet and Like buttons :) You'll find them right under the logo (because that's the best spot I could actually get them to APPEAR...) as well as down at the bottom of each page. The one at the bottom of the pages tells a bit more about it, like who likes it on Facebook and whatnot :) I thought it would be cool, if nothing else! And, if anyone is curious, yes, Wikimon does have a Facebook fan page. It's not very popular, since I made it and never did anything with it :P But 10 people seem to have found it... tata~ --Koroku 04:10, 20 June 2011 (CDT)

Fan digixrostournament.gif

Well, it seems as if Nene is relinquished control of this "Zone" for now and all is back to normal... mostly anyway. If you're feeling a bit artistic, go check out the DigiXros Tournament. There's still some time to enter and there's some really nice prizes in store for the winners. Final Deadline is June 25th! --devkyu 04:33, 13 June 2011 (CDT)