Caught-Up Old Man

From Wikimon
Caught-Up Old Man
Caught-Up Old Man
Kanji/Kana 巻き込まれおじさん
Voice Actor Japanese Bifu Hitoshi (上別府 仁資)

Caught-Up Old Man is a recurring minor character in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters. He is often inconvenienced by Appmon actions. As a running gag in the series, he often screams "No!" when something bad happens as a result of what happened to him during an Appmon battle. He'll also scream "Oh my god!" at times.




Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]


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Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Main Characters Shinkai HaruKaran EriAsuka TorajirouKatsura ReiOozora Yujin
Buddy Appmon GatchmonDokamonMusimonHackmonOffmon
Supporting Characters Kashiki AiWatsonNavimonShinkai DenemonMinervaTimemonCoachmonDantemonKatsura HajimeBootmonAgumonAsuka RyūtarouAsuka JennyMCmonTutomonCaught-Up Old Man
AppGattai Partners DreammonDezipmonPerorimonRecomon
Appliyama 470 Kagurazaka IzumiKibayashi ErenaMashiro Arisu
L-Corp Umematsu TakeoShiraishiYujin's Mother
Antagonists LeviathanCameramonSakusimonMienumonSateramonCometmonUnryuji KnightUltimate 4Deusmon
Terms AppliariseAppli DriveAppli DriverAppLinkAppliyama 470Appmon BandAppmon ChipAR-FieldBuddy AppmonCyber ArenaHumanity Applification PlanL-CorpL-VirusNet OceanL-CodeOverdriveRoulette SystemSeven Code AppmonSeven Code PAD
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast